Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mixed Marriages

Hello, bloggers, readers, I just wrote this article for my friend for his homework, might as well thought to share it with everyone, anybody looking for handful of information, you got the ticket right below. 

Mixed Marriages
By kashif

Man is a social animal. He needs different kinds of activities to utilize his time and energy. Human beings need to socialize and interact with each other in this world. Marriage is a form of blessing that plays a vital role in human beings’ lives. Through marriages, people come closer to each other; the relationships are established and strengthened further. There are types of marriages which affect the society differently.

There are two types of marriages; mixed marriages and non-mixed marriages. Mixed marriages are the ones in which two individuals marry each other from different race or religion.  The term mixed marriage can also describe the marriage of a couple who has different cultural, ethnic, or national heritages or backgrounds. Mixed marriages can also be termed as ‘interracial marriages’.

In this era of cold war, where countries are restraining from communicating and helping each other, and where misunderstandings about one nation spread like a wild fire putting that particular country ultimately in everyone’s black list, mixed marriages are the source for solving such problems. When two individuals from different countries are bonded together, they get to learn more about each other’s religion, race, and culture. Moreover, racism can be wiped off clean, misunderstandings are removed and understandings are born which leads to a successful marriage which is beneficial for the society. There is an increase in biodiversity in mixed marriages.

In mixed marriages, there are certain barriers which intercultural couples are exposed to. Intercultural marriages are influenced by external factors which create disagreements between the couple. The main external factor is the society in which the couple lives and it affects their marriage life quite considerably.  Problems usually arise as to how the child should be raised and his religious worship as well. In these situations, a child fails to recognize his true identity and origin. Conflict is seemed to take place in these circumstances. Sometimes communication between intercultural couples is a problem. Cultural, racial and religious disputes are likely to take place. In short, the relationships established in intercultural marriages are quite sensitive.  

No doubt, mixed marriages solve many problems of people, nations and hence countries but on the other side, it creates problems too. The only way to overcome the problems created by mixed marriages is by ignoring and compromising each other’s cultural activities. Religion should not be compromised though. Intercultural couples should raise their child wisely and not present their personal problems before the kids as it will have negative effect on the children. The advantages of mixed marriages outweigh the disadvantages, thus mixed marriages should be promoted and encouraged around the world. 
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